What If My Research Does Not Involve In-Person Interactions with Human Subjects?

Only research that involves in-person procedures with human subjects is required to receive approval from their respective School/Department.  Examples of research that WOULD NOT require additional approval from their respective School/Department may include, but is not limited to:

  • Analysis of data only.
  • Remote research procedures. Note that if your study is moving to remote research procedures, you will need to submit a modification to the HUA IRB to account for this change. More information may be found here - https://cuhs.harvard.edu/what-does-and-does-not-require-irb-review-and-approval
  • A collaborative research project that is reviewed by another IRB through a reliance agreement where the Harvard researcher’s role does not include in-person procedures. Note that if in this situation, the reviewing IRB is the Harvard IRB, the Harvard researcher would be required to obtain approval from their School/Department, even if the activities are occurring at another site by other researchers.